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What is Miss National US (MNUS)?
We are a scholarship organization that wants to help women achieve their goals. Whether that be helping them with interviewing skills or gaining confidence in themselves, MNUS is here to better equip them for their future ambitions!
Is interview panel style or one on one?
It is a 5 minute one on one talk show style interview where the judges provide questions to the interviewer based from your personal introduction and resume. Only questions about yourself and what you submit on your résumé will be asked.
Do I need to sell/purchase an ad page to compete at nationals?
No you do not, there is no ad page to sell. However, if you want to find sponsorship from local businesses to help raise your national entry fee that is welcomed and encouraged! Those businesses that help sponsor you will be featured with your photo on this website under the "Meet Our State Delegates" page.
Is there a contract or a non-compete rule?
As of now there is not. However, if you are a national winner we do have a document of expectations we will hold you accountable to throughout the year. Upon winning the national title we will be sure to have you read over these expectations that would include social media posts on your title page along with a certain number of appearances.
Will there be a live pageant?
This is entirely base upon how many applicants sign up for the pageant. Due to expenses for a venue and wanting to keep entry fees low for our contestants we want to ensure the very best for you! We are going to try our hardest to have a live pageant, and if we do, it will most likely be in Brookfield/Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Will I have to pay for my national scores and comments?
NO! These are completely complementary to you as a national delegate. They will be emailed to you if requested via email.
What Community Involvement opportunities count toward your score?
You are required to have 4 hours or more to receive the full 10% toward your overall score. Anything in the last 2 years that you volunteered your time and did not receive any compensation for will count toward this.
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